ADB over Ethernet v0.8.3

So I finally managed to release a new version of the ADBoverEthernet app. I noticed the ip detection stopped working on Marshmallow and higher. Rather than using command-line script-fu, I now use the official android api’s to query network interfaces and stuff. 🙂 I don’t recall why I didn’t use those in the first place, but in its current state, it definitely seems to work on all tested devices.

A nice-to-have is the new “autostart” feature. Check the box to enable the ethernet adb at boot time. This also explains the new permission RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED.

v0.8.3  2017-04-28 
+ autostart at boot option (requires NEW permission RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED) 
* use better ip detection logic (fixes ip detection on marshmallow and higher) 
* fix NPE when root access is denied