Open source movie

You probably heard already about the open source beer, music, graphics cards etc, but did you hear about this open source (short) movie yet? 🙂 When it’s released, I’d certainly like to take a look at those models and animation scripts! As the URL already hints, this movie will be entirely animated using Blender. In general, it is made with open source tools only. Really a wonderful initiative!

For Dutch reading people, there is also a very interesting article on a Dutch tech life style magazine site.

ilead popup?

Some time ago I opened my site and got a popup! I couldn’t believe my eyes. 😉 Searched the net and found some forum threads about an “IE only” problem and that I had to run HijackThis and stuff. Didn’t seem very reliable info to me, but I tried it anyway, and it seemed to have stopped..
Yesterday I got it again. Searched again. Seems some other people are reporting about this nasty popup too. But it seems to be the counter..? Et tu, Nedstat?? Well for what’s left of Nedstat. 😉 Time to get rid of nedstat and use some google analytics, I guess..