Lirc on openSUSE 10.3

I somehow always procrastinated the installation of my Hauppauge WinTV PVR 150 IR remote because it somehow didn’t work out of the box, but today I took another shot at it and was surprised how easy it all turned out to be!

The first thing you need to realize, is that you need to install a kernel module: lirc_i2c. Unfortunately, due to a string length being shortened in recent kernel, the suse provided kernel module does not work! Instead, grab a freshly compiled one from here. After having this installed, you should already have a working remote! (you might want to tweak your /etc/sysconfig/lirc : choose the hauppauge driver and the lirc_i2c module, but the defaults seemed to work too). You can test your remote by doing a cat /dev/lirc and pressing some remote buttons.

Easy, no? 🙂 The rest is application specific configuration 😉 Be sure to have a look at KDE’s infra-red app, IRKick, which does a great job at binding through DCOP!

One thing to note though, is that the default lirc config is supposed to create a device /dev/lircd from /dev/lirc when starting lircd, but in my case, it wouldn’t do that until I specifically told it to create that one through the –output param (only had to do this once).

I was greatly helped by the following sources: mythtv 1, 2

Essential Kate tweak

If you like opening all your documents in a single instance of Kate, replace the command line “kate %U” used in KDE’s file binding by “kate -u %U”. This is actually quite well documented in Kate’s manpage as well as on the faq on the homepage, yet somehow I thought it is useful to note this one down as it is not accessible from the GUI.

You can find KDE’s file bindings here: control center > KDE components -> file associations. From then on, every file you like to open with kate through the context menu will use those settings, even when it’s not a txt.

smartd temperature error messages

I have 2 western digital 2500KS hard disks and noticed already some time ago that the smart implementation is not correct when it comes to temperatures. Afaik, it was something like reporting the temp in °F while they claim to report it in °C. This wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t also define the thresholds in °C. On an operating system like windows, the user never is bothered by this shortcoming as windows simply has no clue about SMART. On linux however, the user is typically notified by mail or desktop popup when a hard drive exceeds its maximum temp. Which is quite annoying if it is a false alarm. 😉

A lot of 3rd party tools exist for windows, and that is how I originally encountered the problem. So it is really a firmware bug.

So I started looking for a way to either

  • add some offset to the limits
  • disable only temp monitoring on only those disks

Continue reading smartd temperature error messages


In case you didn’t know, Pingus, the open source Lemmings clone, has with its 0.7 release its first SDL port binary. Meaning, you can play it on windows too now. 🙂 I’m lame, I know 😉

As I were going to sleep, I thought I’d try out those tutorial island levels. After finishing the island I come to realise this is as far as the game is finished right now. =) That doesn’t mean the game has limited gameplay (how can an open source game have limited gameplay anyway? 😉 ). After all,

  1. there were already 22 nicely polished levels, introducing the several types of pingi (?, lol).
  2. There is a level editor. Temporarily not included, due to the SDL porting process, I guess.
  3. There are loads of ‘unofficial‘ levels which you can load manually.
  4. It took me more time than anticipated, take a look at the clock. 😉

I really love this project and I hope they keep on developing it!

P.S.: they even created a little storyline, very cute 😉

Pingus on Tutorial Island

P.P.S: I just read this interesting interview with the Pingus developer. This guy has dipped his toes in all kinds of open source games! 🙂

DIY gadgets

I was quite astonished to read about this BUG platform: “an open source, web-enabled, modular software + hardware platform”. This kinda says it all. 🙂 It’s still in beta, but they are targeting Q4 2007 right now to release their BUG-base, the core product, featuring an ARM microprocessor and all kind of interfaces you might desire (notice the MPEG4 HW encoding/decoding support!). Like this featurefest is not enough yet, you can extend the base station with all kind of modules: “GPS, Digital Camera / Videocam, Touch-sensitive Color LCD Screen, Accelerometer, Motion Sensor”, you name it! Before you stop drooling over the hardware specs, save some drool to drool on the software specs. 🙂 They have it nicely running on an OSGi framework! Extension galore. Judging by the screenshots, I have the impression they are running it on the eclipse framework which is an extension of OSGi (Paul, correct me if I’m wrong ;)).

This really seems the ultimate “toy for boys” or “Lego Mindstorms for adults” 🙂 at least in a geeky world 😉

Reminds me of this site/magazine where creating DIY gadgets is just daily routine.. 🙂

Bash tip

Recursively changing the permissions of a directory structure:
find . -type d -exec chmod o+x {} \;

I’ve always found that the find syntax is quite cryptic yet very powerful. Small explanation:

  • find . : start finding in current dir
  • -type d: only directories!
  • -exec chmod o+x {} \;: this is an interesting one. It’s obvious it’s about executing some command =) but what about the braces and the semicolon? The semicolon is just the end delimiter for the exec command and to ensure it does not get interpreted by your shell, it is escaped. The {} is simply a variable indicating one result from the find query, in our case, a subdirectory. Of course, the exec command itself can be anything, here it’s a permission change.