I somehow always procrastinated the installation of my Hauppauge WinTV PVR 150 IR remote because it somehow didn’t work out of the box, but today I took another shot at it and was surprised how easy it all turned out to be!
The first thing you need to realize, is that you need to install a kernel module: lirc_i2c. Unfortunately, due to a string length being shortened in recent kernel, the suse provided kernel module does not work! Instead, grab a freshly compiled one from here. After having this installed, you should already have a working remote! (you might want to tweak your /etc/sysconfig/lirc : choose the hauppauge driver and the lirc_i2c module, but the defaults seemed to work too). You can test your remote by doing a cat /dev/lirc and pressing some remote buttons.
Easy, no? 🙂 The rest is application specific configuration 😉 Be sure to have a look at KDE’s infra-red app, IRKick, which does a great job at binding through DCOP!
One thing to note though, is that the default lirc config is supposed to create a device /dev/lircd from /dev/lirc when starting lircd, but in my case, it wouldn’t do that until I specifically told it to create that one through the –output param (only had to do this once).
I was greatly helped by the following sources: mythtv 1, 2