Dutch Boten Anna

When I first heard the intriguing (at least to geeks I guess ;)) song Boten Anna, I couldn’t help hearing resemblence with some West-Flemish (my dialect) words. Soon I had a funny West-Fl version of (at least,) the beginning of the song. While I didn’t execute the implementation of it, I wasn’t surprised to see a Dutch guy has done it, it is so typical for them. 😉

Also, it seems the Flemish are good at ripping of the rip-off 🙂

Pillow fighting while announcing Friends

Last week I was starting my dinner with tv on and as Veronique De Kock was announcing Friends I suddenly heard some girl giggling and Veronique reacting indignified. By the time I had a chance to look up, the only thing I saw left were some feathers as proof of some ‘cat fight’. 🙂 It certainly did not seem like a planned event, a few planned seconds later, the series took off.

I was wondering what was going on and if anyone else noticed that. 🙂

So today I get zita news in my mailbox, claiming the presenter’s attack. Still don’t get it.. 🙂

P.S.: movies at link take very long time to load

liquid rescale open source implementation

In other gimp news.. You probably already saw the Content Aware Image Resizing movie on youtube. I read somewhere the guy was hired by adobe a few days after his initial presentation. I don’t know whether it’s true, he seems to work for Mitsubishi. 🙂 But that didn’t stop some guy to make an open source implementation in the form of a gimp plugin. It’s a public paper after all! 🙂

gimp 2.4

Yes, I’m late 😉

Be sure to check out the changelog walkthrough, otherwise you won’t understand what the fuss is all about 😉

Btw, on windows I had some trouble launching it with the modules. It seems my gimp was using its own supplied gtk runtime while the plugins just took the one in the env path. Long story short: just uninstall the freaking global one, long live data duplication! 😉

smartd temperature error messages

I have 2 western digital 2500KS hard disks and noticed already some time ago that the smart implementation is not correct when it comes to temperatures. Afaik, it was something like reporting the temp in °F while they claim to report it in °C. This wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t also define the thresholds in °C. On an operating system like windows, the user never is bothered by this shortcoming as windows simply has no clue about SMART. On linux however, the user is typically notified by mail or desktop popup when a hard drive exceeds its maximum temp. Which is quite annoying if it is a false alarm. 😉

A lot of 3rd party tools exist for windows, and that is how I originally encountered the problem. So it is really a firmware bug.

So I started looking for a way to either

  • add some offset to the limits
  • disable only temp monitoring on only those disks

Continue reading smartd temperature error messages

Extract audio from FLV tool

Ever wanted to split off the audio from a flash movie? I know you want to. 😉
Until now I simply used graphedit+ffdshow+dump filters but it is quite clumsy to work with. 😉 So today I did another google search, and yep, it’s an all active subject on the web by now. 🙂 It seems there are quite some tools now, but a lot also seem very questionable… Until I found this open source one (always trust that more ;)).

So, without further ado: enjoy Moitah’s tools!

P.S.: as a bonus, you get an avi too 😉