Putting all drafts from the past days aside: Opera is from now on FREE software!!!! :party: No more ads, no more license keys (Press Release). Next step..? 😉
Month: September 2005
Open source photo management
While looking at a Gtk+ 2.8 release announcement, I ‘discovered’ an app to manage your digital photographs. But then I remembered we already have digiKam :D. Still I’m surprised at the progress that has been made in the last year. I remember looking for such an app, ‘Adobe PhotoAlbum alternative’, some time ago, and I didn’t find anything decent back then.
Software Freedom Day
Yep, there exists such a thing 🙂 even in Belgium! I think it’s very important that students learn to know and use Open Source software, so I hope some will show up!
Still have some other drafts queued. Let’s fetch the queue.. 😉
To start, an interesting read about Computer Human Interaction. Reminds me of a course I followed at university ;).
Flashy web
we just can’t deny it. ShockWave Flash is a well established web technology. I am really not an expert in web development, but I’ve always had some reservations towards Flash. Maybe because I’ve never been a great MacroMedia fan ;). I always had the impression that Flash development was reserved for the people who were willing to buy the right MacroMedia tools (or for people who don’t know how to design a site properly ;)). Peter enlightened me this is not the case anymore :). Continue reading Flashy web
The hurricane relief paypal account story
Quite an interesting story 🙂
To temporarily get SA up, I bought some crappy hosting on a Dreamhost plan, which had an absolutely painfully idiotic name like “THE ULTRA SUPER AWESOMNATOR INSANITY WEBHOSTING MEGAPLAN 2000.” It made me feel intensely embarrassed, but sometimes we have to sacrifice our humility in times of crisis, not that I had any pride to begin with.
Some more virtualization
“Open Virtuozzo creates multiple isolated Virtual Private Servers (VPSs) on a single physical server to share hardware and management effort with maximum efficiency. Continue reading Some more virtualization
Coding humour
Really hilarious 😀
Centrino cores explained
I never really got the difference between all the centrino cores. Within a few weeks, I’ll be having a centrino laptop at work, so it’s nice to know something about it ;).