Finally implemented this one (got tired of having to scroll/search every time I want to switch between Kanaal2 and VT4 😉 ). Instead of providing a separate setup dialog for rearranging channels I just added an editing mode to the default gui. I also got rid of my sorting proxy model which makes the model more simple yet less flexible. I think it is still flexible enough and that the previous level of flexibility was overkill. 😉 The screenshot is on windows with fake data. 🙂 Somehow my application icon got lost in the conversion. It’s crappy (programmer’s art) anyway. 😉
Month: November 2007
Obligatory alpha screenshot
Roadmap / planned features
I wrote a few points down as a way to structure my thoughts. It was never really intended to publish as a road map, but publishing gives everyone an idea where this project is heading. 🙂
This is a list of things I see being implemented by version 1.0. The order in the list also approximately reflects the order of implementation as basic features seem to correspond to easy implementation. 🙂 (aside from the fact that almost everything in this app is quite trivial ;))
- channel setup
- import from xawtv
- start from europe-west defaults
- reordering
- simple tuning
- sequential tuning with mouse wheel
- direct select with keypad, visually and physically
- direct select with list; this is channel editor without editing func 🙂
- configurable commands
- for viewing, recording, playing..
- recording
- configurable rec path
- scheduled recording with at
- on the fly recording by streaming the video to file and starting a player on the output file
- time shifting: same as above, but start paused player 🙂
- somehow use vlc’s save stream option somewhere..?
- playback of recorded movies
- show list using the configurable rec path
- transcoding
- show list of all recordings using the the configurable rec path
- save long lasting recordings as mpeg4 to conserve space
- use transcode 😉
tuning trouble
I used to borrow a friend’s Hauppauge WinTV card (bt878 chipset) for tv viewing until I finally bought my own Hauppauge WinTV PVR 150 . I went for the PVR series as I figured recording would be much more convient (pvr series comes with a hardware MPEG2 encoder).
In the past I had used the brooktree wintv card under linux which was really a joy since it worked out of the box along with all available soft (after trying xawtv, motv, (whatever-)tv, tvtime, etc.. I settled with KdeTV (formerly kwintv)). It even seemed the card was better supported under linux than under windows. I figured the pvr series would be supported as well as it seemed to be a fairly popular card for HTPCs. Which turned out to be slightly nuanced. 🙂
Continue reading tuning trouble
Speeding ticket
Only a few weeks ago, I finally bought my first car, yet, I already managed to hit the jackpot… People wanting to do damage control in advance, will be interested in this site. 🙂
Dutch Boten Anna
When I first heard the intriguing (at least to geeks I guess ;)) song Boten Anna, I couldn’t help hearing resemblence with some West-Flemish (my dialect) words. Soon I had a funny West-Fl version of (at least,) the beginning of the song. While I didn’t execute the implementation of it, I wasn’t surprised to see a Dutch guy has done it, it is so typical for them. 😉
Also, it seems the Flemish are good at ripping of the rip-off 🙂
Pillow fighting while announcing Friends
Last week I was starting my dinner with tv on and as Veronique De Kock was announcing Friends I suddenly heard some girl giggling and Veronique reacting indignified. By the time I had a chance to look up, the only thing I saw left were some feathers as proof of some ‘cat fight’. 🙂 It certainly did not seem like a planned event, a few planned seconds later, the series took off.
I was wondering what was going on and if anyone else noticed that. 🙂
So today I get zita news in my mailbox, claiming the presenter’s attack. Still don’t get it.. 🙂
P.S.: movies at link take very long time to load
liquid rescale open source implementation
In other gimp news.. You probably already saw the Content Aware Image Resizing movie on youtube. I read somewhere the guy was hired by adobe a few days after his initial presentation. I don’t know whether it’s true, he seems to work for Mitsubishi. 🙂 But that didn’t stop some guy to make an open source implementation in the form of a gimp plugin. It’s a public paper after all! 🙂
Just another filesystem? I don’t think so.. It rather feels like the file system concept reinvented 🙂 Future proof. But probably not ready yet for joe the desktop user. Here is an interesting interview with the devs. In the meantime, I also read that the upcoming new openSolaris project Indiana will be using ZFS..