In other gimp news.. You probably already saw the Content Aware Image Resizing movie on youtube. I read somewhere the guy was hired by adobe a few days after his initial presentation. I don’t know whether it’s true, he seems to work for Mitsubishi. 🙂 But that didn’t stop some guy to make an open source implementation in the form of a gimp plugin. It’s a public paper after all! 🙂
Shai Avidan is definitely hired by Adobe — he showed some really good new examples of seam carving in action at MAX Chicago a few weeks ago.
I recorded the sneak peek on my mobile phone so the quality isn’t all too good (its the 4th video down) .
wow, interesting vid indeed 🙂 i saw your post but didn’t watch em all and didn’t realise ‘seam carving’ was the ‘official’ term 🙂