It seems not every Belgian developer is aware of this great F/OSS conference we have right in Brussels, called FOSDEM 🙂 So I thought I should blog about it. 😉 It is a very general conference, so just about anyone remotely interested in open source can surely find some topic of interest. Very impressive list, imo.
Since I have a car now, and don’t live too far off from Brussels, I thought it’s my duty to attend 🙂 probably only Saturday though. Which is a shame actually as I miss the Drupal track and some interesting suse presentations.. Oh well, you can’t have it all anyway as there is simply too much 🙂
I printed some flyers with the press release on the back, here is the pdf (thanks Klaas). If you want a nice introduction to the main talks, read the brochure. Yes, they thought of everything 😉