UZLGastennetLogin v0.6.3 stable release

After over 2 years of “testing” version 0.6.3 of the UZLGastennetLogin android app has been promoted from the beta channel to the stable channel. Important changes since the previous stable 0.4.2 include a widget indicating login state and notifications for login errors etc.

Since Google Play now supports beta APKs, the beta app itself will be removed from the market In the near future and a beta channel will be added to the stable app instead.
If you’d like to join the beta, surf to beta access. Currently only IT staff at UZ Leuven is given access. If you’d like access too, please join this G+ community.


v0.6.3 / 12th September 2011
+ optionally check internet access periodically, configurable interval
* restore last login time at activity resume
+ log last check timestamp

v0.6.2 / 30th August 2011
* widget: attempt at fixing click listener not working anymore after extended usage
* moved checkoutside worker to service
+ pref: automatically check internet access after each login
+ added extra app states communicating internet access check status
+ added notification when proxy problem occurs
* activity: properly preserve gui state when rotating device

v0.6.1 / 12th August 2011
* fc on startup: fixed bug in retrieving notification level when no setting is present yet
+ translation update

v0.6.0 / 11th August 2011
+ notifications, configurable through 4 levels
+ configurable notification sound
* automatic login retry on login/pwd change
* avoid multiple instances of activity
– disabled install to sd to prevent widget trouble

v0.5.1 / 1st August 2011
* widget: attempt at better distinguishable init icon

v0.5.0 / 31th July 2011
+ widget: shows login state, click on widget to open activity
+ activity: show last login time and ip
* service: correctly parse json response to allow proper logout
* service: moved logout action into service
* service: use AndroidHttpClient instead of HttpClient to avoid IllegalStateExceptions
* service: don’t attempt login on portal error
+ activity: initial localisation support

2 thoughts on “UZLGastennetLogin v0.6.3 stable release”

  1. Hallo mijn naam is Sophie Napora en ben al jaren bij afdeling gastro onder Prof Boeckxtaens graag had ik mee willen volgen onder vermelde app, alvast bedankt.

    1. dag Sophie, ik heb je toegang gegeven tot de beta (zoals je via g+ gevraagd had), maar eigenlijk heb je deze app al enige tijd niet meer nodig gezien het gastennet open gezet werd voor iedereen (geen gebruik meer van login/paswoord). dit kan natuurlijk wel weer veranderen in de toekomst.

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