Coding excrjmblk.. what the? 🙂
yes, there went some thought in the correct naming of this category. 😉 It’s been already some time now that I was looking for a place to put my small tools I’ve been programming in the past year. Since they are so small, it’s overkill to dedicate a whole new blog to each of them. So I decided to group them in some subcategories on this general blog. I used to think of a “projects” category. But that sounds so mature. 🙂 My projects are only little beta thingies. 😉 Almost not worth to talk about, so “projects” would be overrated. So utils or tools would be okay? Mmmm… I don’t think so. Then I thought about “excursions”, sounds nice. =) To quote wikipedia:
An Excursion is a trip, usually made for leisure or educational purposes. It is often an adjunct to a longer journey or visit to a place, sometimes for other (typically work-related) purposes.
I think no other term would manage to define my tools any more accurate or subtle as this one. 🙂 So “coding excursions” it became! Now let’s find some time to add some subcategories. 😉