Suse 10.0 install story

Wednesday night, I installed Open SuSE 10.0. What originally was planned as a quick basic install before going to bed, ended up in a 7h install marathon (download time included though ;)). First of all: I’m really impressed with the quality SuSE delivers. What about ubuntu? I’m not a Gnome fan so I tried Kubuntu 5.10. The few hours I tried Suse already gave me a better user experience! Here’s the full story.. Continue reading Suse 10.0 install story

Moving tabs in Konqueror

Just found out you can move tabs in konqueror, lol 🙂

Konqueror uses the same scheme as Kicker for this: left mouse button drags&drops the URL (drop onto other tab, “Location:” field, empty tab bar space for new tab, …) and middle mouse button allows you to reorder tabs.

Quite a ‘hidden’ feature. I’m more of an Opera user (but mostly it doesn’t come installed with your distro ;)), but thought I’d help spread the word 😉