Still handling the oldies… 😉
This time an example of a quite impressive implementation of the concept “dynamic webpageâ€. I know, it’s more normal these days with upcoming personalized google search pages and so on, but still, I think it’s a nice achievement.
Category: web
Opera 9!
Finally, the much anticipated Opera 9 final version has been released!!! Still plenty of bugs of course, but for me, no excuse anymore to not start using 9 on daily basis. 😉 I have like 20 drafts, but it’s too hot weather to write anything else. 😉
Google Web Toolkit
I know I’m praising Google maybe a bit too much lately, but when Peter tipped me about the GWT I almost started to worship them! 😉 The GWT is actually a dream come true for me. Trying to write a dynamic web application these days is really a pain in the ***. If your background is from a world in which all programming languages are nicely typed and have nice informative compilers, nice IDE’s, nice debuggers, etc then it’s really a chock to start web development. It’s like being in the stone age again. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I hope, somewhere, you can agree that web languages are in general less mature than for example C++/Java.
Now, what did Google actually do? It seems they kind of shared my opinion. They thought, instead of starting another framework in some web language, why not offer an SDK for an established, proven development platform, which can be cross-compiled to nowadays web technology, taking care of all the nasty little details like cross browser compatibility and fumbling around in javascripts.
They chose Java as the source language. I don’t say it had to be Java, but I happen to be a Java developer in my day job, so this makes it extra interesting for me. 🙂 I can use my favorite IDE and actually start debugging an AJAX app, refactor some code, design a gui! Debugging is also nicely cross platform. Google calls it
hosted mode, where your code runs as Java in the Java Virtual Machine without compiling to JavaScript. To accomplish this, the GWT browser embeds a special browser control (an Internet Explorer control on Windows or a Gecko/Mozilla control on Linux) with hooks into the JVM.
Last but not least, you are not really stuck to the auto-generated code. Normally, the generated code suffices, but as it’s in a beta phase, and there will probably always be some case in which you want to do some manual tweaking, GWT provides the JavaScript Native Interface (JSNI, nice pun! ;))
It seems they have everything nicely documented and there’s even a weblog so we can be nicely kept up to date about any news/progress. 🙂
Conclusion: way to go google! 🙂
Google goes on…
From time to time, Google just keeps surprising me. The innovative projects just keep coming. This time it’s Google’s Sketchup that got my attention. It’s another one of those products they bought in and modified it to integrate with some other google technology.
Continue reading Google goes on…
Yup, CAPTCHA being pwned. Scares me a bit. 😉
All phpbb boards are affected by this; it seems there is already an alternative?
Word online
Who wants Word documents? Nobody.
Still, some people use Word in daily life for which this Word-like online editor can come in handy. Firefox only though. :-S
ilead popup?
Some time ago I opened my site and got a popup! I couldn’t believe my eyes. 😉 Searched the net and found some forum threads about an “IE only” problem and that I had to run HijackThis and stuff. Didn’t seem very reliable info to me, but I tried it anyway, and it seemed to have stopped..
Yesterday I got it again. Searched again. Seems some other people are reporting about this nasty popup too. But it seems to be the counter..? Et tu, Nedstat?? Well for what’s left of Nedstat. 😉 Time to get rid of nedstat and use some google analytics, I guess..
Macromedia tools coming to linux?
Seems very promising to me!
Zend Framework
This is something I definitely must take a look at some time… It’s an open source PHP framework provided by Zend which has interesting features. I highlight the ones which interest me most:
- DB abstraction layer
- feed generator
- http client
- pdf generator
- xmlrpc