I updated my system page. Yup, I finally bought the 2 SATA drives I would hook up to my onboard RAID controller, like a few years ago. 😉 I picked the model carefully: a western digital 250GB with 16MB cache. The drive was so popular that I had to wait a few weeks before it became available again.
Continue reading Raid
Jim Allchin on Windows Vista
I know.. not a lot of posts lately. :s 🙂 Time flies, did you notice we’re an other year? 😉
Anyway, when Jim Allchin speaks, he always gets my attention, so
here it is.
I’ll try to finally clean up those 2005-ish drafts this week. 😉
If your blog is being spammed, and you want to do something about it, look no further! Spam Karma 2 is the plugin to install! 🙂 I’ve had it running for some days now, and it is doing a wonderful job discriminating the good from the bad. With this plugin, it’s almost fun to get spam! =) 😉
Thanks to Peter for the tip.
Service names
How to find out the short name of a windows service? The short name is handy to stop a service from the command line. One can always use the display name between quotes, but stopping a service like “Windows Firewall (WF) / Internet-verbinding delen (ICS)” isn’t fun like that. 😉
I didn’t find a way to find the short name through the service panel (if you know, please let me know!). So here is how I did it:
- Open regedit and go to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
- Do a search on the friendly name
- The name of the parent key is the service’s short name!
UPDATE: An anonymous poster pointed out my post is actually useless =) See the comments for information on how ‘normal’ people look it up.
Ctrl alt del
Sounds familiar? Well, probably, you think you know… but did you know it’s actually a web cartoon? =) It’s one of my favorites! I wanted to start an archive to be able to read them offline, so this evening I wrote a little spider proggie to leech them. I won’t put it online because I don’t want to kill his banner revenues 😉
You could probably leech it anyway using some of the generic spiders (HTTrack is an excellent open-source one), but I wanted to keep it clean and even more, have some fun with the great Apache Httpclient library. 😉 It’s really an amazing library!
Geeksta rap
Did you know it exists? =) I was just cleaning up some download dir and stumbled upon this rap from Monzy. I think it’s really the best in its kind. First time I heard it, I immediately listened again for some 10 times to get all the jokes 🙂 If you studied Computer Science, it’s simply hilarious to hear all those expressions in a ‘though’ language.
You can also read the lyrics, but it’s so much more fun to hear it in the song 😉
In his rap against MC++:
I may not have a label but I rap like a star;
I’m an unsigned long int and you’re an 8-bit char.
Moving tabs in Konqueror
Just found out you can move tabs in konqueror, lol 🙂
Konqueror uses the same scheme as Kicker for this: left mouse button drags&drops the URL (drop onto other tab, “Location:” field, empty tab bar space for new tab, …) and middle mouse button allows you to reorder tabs.
Quite a ‘hidden’ feature. I’m more of an Opera user (but mostly it doesn’t come installed with your distro ;)), but thought I’d help spread the word 😉
Next gen webmail
Feeling some genuine need for speed?
Today, I finally got my new monitor. Other one was broken for some time, so I was using a remote desktop connection (UltraVNC) from my laptop. I hesitated a long time, but after a thorough qualitative comparison between CRT and TFT, I finally went for the CRT monitor. Image quality is still far superior.
Anyway, I was longing to my desktop system since I wanted to test some new game demos which obviously wasn’t possible on the laptop. First in row was the Need for Speed Most Wanted demo.
Continue reading Feeling some genuine need for speed?