Mobile rss

When I bought my phone, I asked the salesman whether it sported a built-in RSS feed reader. The poor chap never heard of RSS before. 😉

I searched SourceForge and came up with RssReaderMidlet. Feedburner seems to come out with an RSS reader too. It’s currently in closed beta, but still seems worth to keep an eye on..

3 thoughts on “Mobile rss”

  1. thanks for the tip, but..
    rssjam seems to have a different goal 🙂
    – I don’t want to receive it in email. is it possible to subscribe to feeds without binding to an email address?
    – it’s limited to 10 feeds? I can’t blame you since you provide it for free 😉 But actually I have memory and space enough on my phone, so I can as well run a local application instead of being restricted by a web application
    – it seems to have trouble with quotes! subscribe to my feed to see the problem 😉

    thanks anyway 🙂

  2. BTW, I like the fact that you the user the option to delete its own account! 🙂 that’s exceptional 🙂 giving a user the chance to keep the web a clean place 😉

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