Digicorder getting TiVo like features?!

When you live in Belgium, being ripped off for broadband internet and telephony is your inevitable fate. It’s like there is some conspiracy to keep Belgian people away from the information highway. However, it seems after decade(s) of suppression, there is a little light at the end of the tunnel. 🙂 This month brings interesting news, especially if you’re a Telenet customer.

First of all, my data limit gets doubled next month and even tripled in July. Second, they finally got rid of the silly mail box size (50MB), although the silly web space without php/mysql stays. 😉

Third, and that’s why I started this post actually, is the possibility to program your digicorder (digital PVR) from wherever you are using a website (Dutch announcement)! I’ve always wanted that. 🙂 I won’t go into details why the digicorder still sucks big time (and once more, Java and “slow” seem to go together, painful coincidence? ;)), still, I welcome any improvement. 🙂 Way to go Telenet!

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