“Open Virtuozzo creates multiple isolated Virtual Private Servers (VPSs) on a single physical server to share hardware and management effort with maximum efficiency. Continue reading Some more virtualization
Author: Matthias
Coding humour
Really hilarious 😀
Centrino cores explained
I never really got the difference between all the centrino cores. Within a few weeks, I’ll be having a centrino laptop at work, so it’s nice to know something about it ;).
Microsoft makes deals with hardware vendors
or so it seems ;). They really seem to be pushing new technology with Windows Vista. Of course, Windows Vista is far from released. An interesting read anyway about Windows Vista’s hardware requirements. Particularly, I wasn’t aware of Native Command Queuing (NCQ), which is standard in S-ATA 2 drives, and which will be (ab)used by Windows Vista.
Opera party
Opera celebrates its 10-year anniversary and put a party page online for this occasion! If you are an unregistered opera user, make sure you stop by to get your free registration key! 8)
No, not ATI’s Ruby ;). I’ve heard of ruby quite a few times lately, but it was always scripting related. Now I read they also use it for web applications. Read all about it at Ruby on Rails
Open source virtualization?
You ask? XenSource donates! I searched the net several times in the past, looking for an open source alternative to VMWare. Never found one, and now, it suddenly drops out of the sky ;).
Continue reading Open source virtualization?
DI just does it
For several years now, I listen to some DI trance from time to time, and they have never disappointed me! OK, that’s it, thought everyone ought to know that 😉
Flash bookmarklet
A bookmarklet to control playback of flash movies in your browser. Yup, it even supports Opera although it is not mentioned on the site!